Recent Blog Posts

Does Blood Group Affect Pregnancy?
21 February 2018
Every day, around the world, blood typing is routinely used during pregnancy. The reason? Well, there’s a small risk that an unborn child might have a different blood group from the mother. If t…

What’s Your Blood Group?
25 January 2018
You’re probably aware of eight basic blood types: A, AB, B and O, each of which can be either ‘positive’ or ‘negative’. That’s important, because a patient that re…

The Journey of a Red Blood Cell
6 October 2017
Red Blood Cells (also known as Erythrocytes), are cellular components of blood. There are millions of them within the human body and their sole purpose is to carry oxygen from the lungs to tissues thr…

Blood Vessel Diseases
11 September 2017
Blood Vessel disease is characterised by the narrowing of the arteries and veins because of a build-up of fatty deposits, which impacts the blood supply around the body. Although more common in indivi…

Coombs Control Cells Function
3 August 2017
Coombs Control Cells are a red cell product used for a variety of reasons including: To ensure that AHG tests with negative results are not false-negatives. To ensure that AHG reagent was not…