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The Fight Against Syphilis - Leading the charge against Syphilis with early detection
25 January 2019
Think of Syphilis and a disease that was rife in the late middle ages springs to mind. However, the reality is that in our modern age, the disease is still far from being eradicated. Testing for Syphi…

Everything You Should Know About Latex Agglutination Tests
22 November 2018
Agglutination is the process that occurs when an antigen is mixed with its corresponding antibody called agglutinin and is commonly used in blood grouping. Latex agglutination testing, also called la…

Exploring Blood Disorders: Haemophilia
12 July 2018
Haemophilia, a hereditary genetic condition affects the blood’s capability to clot. According to The Haemophilia Society, around 26,000 people in the UK have a diagnosis of an inherited bleeding…

Can Your Blood Type Put You at Risk for Heart Disease?
16 May 2018
Have you ever wondered what your blood type says about your health? According to the research presented at the European Society of Cardiology [1]congress last year, “having a non-O blood group i…

How O Negative Blood Can Help Everyone
26 March 2018
While only about 7% of the population has O negative blood – people with this blood type have a particularly unique ability to help people in emergency situations. Indeed, individuals whose blo…